Local Policy Maker Group Meeting


    Due to COVID-19, this meeting will be conducted via teleconference only (no physical location) pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20.

    Directors, staff and the public may participate remotely via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/94954726853?pwd=TkR1WFg2SEorZVh5U2xLWnhHSUNNdz09 for audio/visual capability or by calling 1-669-900-6833, Webinar ID: # 949 5472 6853 Passcode: 061243 for audio only.

    Public Comments: The Board Chair shall have the discretion to manage the Public Comment process in a manner that achieves the purpose of public communication and assures the orderly conduct of the meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to provide public comments in the following ways:

    • Email: Comments may be submitted by emailing video@caltrain.com before each agenda item is presented. Please indicate in your email the agenda item to which your comment applies.

    • Auditory: Oral comments will also be accepted during the meeting. Web users may use the ‘Raise Hand’ feature to request to speak. Callers may dial *9 to request to speak. Each commenter will be notified when they are unmuted to speak

    Thursday, April 22, 2021
    5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.



    1. You can download full agenda packets on our Local Policy Maker Group page.


        1. Call to Order 
        2. Staff Report 
          1. Federal Legislative Update 
        3. Caltrain Electrification Project 
        4. California High-Speed Rail: Update (Presented by California High-Speed Rail Authority Staff) 
        5. Public Comments on Items not on the Agenda 
        6. LPMG Member Comments/Requests 
        7. Next Meeting 
          1. Thursday May 27, 2021 at 5:30pm 
        8. Adjourn