Rail Corridor Use Policy (RCUP)

Adopted Rail Corridor Use Policy

A copy of Caltrain's Rail Corridor Use Policy can be found here.

A copy of the RCUP Compatibility Application Form can be found here.

Background and Overview

The Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB) adopted the Rail Corridor Use Policy (RCUP) in February 2020 to help guide how its property is used and support delivery of Caltrain's Long-Term Service Vision.

The JPB frequently receives proposals for "non-railroad uses" of its property, such as utilities, commercial businesses, development proposals, or community facilities. Caltrain has an extensive process to review and approve proposed uses of JPB property. Approved uses are issued a Property Access Agreement (such as a license agreement or a lease) that specifies the terms of use.

One of the first steps in the agency's review process is for Caltrain staff to determine if the proposed use is compatible with the railroad's current and future needs for its property. The RCUP was adopted by the Caltrain Board to guide the "use compatibility" decision-making process at the beginning of the Property Access Agreement review process.

The adopted policy consists of two main components: an administrative document and a map series displaying the JPB's property along the Caltrain corridor. Additional information and background on the RCUP can be found on the cover page of the adopted RCUP linked above.

RCUP Use Compatibility Decision-Making Process

The RCUP decision-making framework is outlined in the infographic to the right, and it is explained in detail in the adopted RCUP document itself, which is available via the link above. It is important to note that following the RCUP review process, additional design, engineering, and regulatory review is required before a Property Access Agreement can be approved and issued by the JPB.

Caltrain staff are developing an application form for proposed uses of JPB property to facilitate the RCUP Use Compatibility Review Process. Together with accompanying information and instructions, this application form will help the agency implement this new policy and enable an efficient RCUP Use Compatibility Review process for parties that are interested in using JPB property. The RCUP decision-making framework is outlined in the infographic below.
