We are hard at work to improve your experience with Caltrain. Whether you ride the train or live, work, or play near Caltrain there are projects and plans underway to better serve you.

Transforming Caltrain into a faster, more efficient, and sustainable service while advancing ...
Caltrain Business Plan
Business Plan
Find Caltrain Projects
Crowd of people exiting train car
City Partnership
Rengstorff Avenue Grade Separation Project
Rengstorff Avenue Grade Separation Project
locomotives at san francisco station
San Francisquito Creek Bridge Inspection
San Francisco Creek Bank
San Francisquito Creek Bank Stabilization Project
Quiet Zones
Hillsdale Bike locker
Bike Parking Management Plan
Rail corridor use policy graphic
Rail Corridor Use Policy (RCUP)
wheel chair image caltrain
Short Range Transit Plan