Short Range Transit Plan


Caltrain Short Range Transit Plan 

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) requires transit agencies in the Bay Area to periodically complete and submit Short Range Transit Plans (SRTP). MTC requires each operator's governing board to review and adopt the SRTP prior to final submission to MTC. The Caltrain SRTP complies with MTC's requirements, and it provides an overview of the transit system, goals and performance measures, information on service and system evaluation, and the JPB's operating and capital investment plans across a 10-year planning horizon. 

Caltrain SRTP FY2018 - FY2027

Caltrain's last SRTP update was adopted by the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB) in October 2015 for FY2015 – 2024 and is provided below. MTC has required the JPB to complete and submit another update by spring 2019 for FY2018 – 2027.  This SRTP reflects a baseline, "stay the course" approach to Caltrain's future - both in terms of the service and projects described as well as the projections of revenues and costs.  

Relationship to Caltrain Business Plan 

Caltrain updated this SRTP while also proceeding with development of the Caltrain Business Plan, an effort to establish a long-range vision for the railroad. Once adopted by the Board of Directors, the Business Plan will largely supersede this SRTP and will serve as the record of the JPB's plans for Caltrain going forward. Looking forward, future updates to Caltrain's SRTP will be consistent with the adopted Business Plan. Caltrain's SRTP for FY2018 - FY2027 was adopted by the Board at the June 2019 JPB meeting. 

Caltrain Short Range Transit Plan - FY2018-FY2027 Adopted  (PDF)

Caltrain SRTP FY2015 - FY2024

Caltrain's Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) was adopted by the Board in October, 2015 and covers fiscal years 2015 through 2024. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) periodically requires Caltrain to produce an SRTP describing its existing and planned services and facilities following the guidelines set forth by MTC. Key materials from the SRTP were presented to the Caltrain Board of Directors and the public in February and June of 2015. Caltrain will produce an updated SRTP in 2019.

Caltrain Short Range Transit Plan - FY2015-FY2024 (PDF)