#Caltrain Social News: Sept 2, 2016

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Caltrain Tweets of the Week She was on her way to the store to buy her groceries...

Awesome time at the Caltrain today where the line was held up by a lady buying a $10 ticket IN COINS as the train arrived, I was 3rd in line

— Xavi (-_-;) (@RagingSpaniard) August 30, 2016

You're welcome.

So happy that 18 counts as youth for the Caltrain

— Isabella V (@IsabellaDVel) September 2, 2016

She just wants that new hire referral bonus.

Just watched a startup founder try to recruit a random person she was sitting next to on the Caltrain #KeepHustling

— Ashoka Rajendra (@A_Raj11) September 2, 2016

Ok... next.

Deep voiced Russian Caltrain passenger's phone call is soothing me right into Wednesday.

— Cassiopieta (@Cassiopieta) August 31, 2016

Good to hear.

@Caltrain the 6 car sets have made a huge difference. Can't remember the last time I had to sit on the stairs or stand the entire ride. 👌

— Sarah Luttman (@SarahRebekkah) September 2, 2016

Caltrain Instagram of the Week This week's #CaltrainIG is a common shot of the lagoon, but an excellent version of it. Via @afragomeni. Thanks for the shot! ctig2Most popular Facebook post of the Week ctfb Compiled by Jeremy Lipps, @Calif0rnio