
Caltrain Triennial Customer Survey
Caltrain riders completed an extensive questionnaire onboard the train between October and December 2022. The results, which include customer trip characteristics, demographics, service satisfaction and sources of information, are available in this report.

2022 Caltrain Triennial Customer Survey Report (PDF, 1.4 MB)

Caltrain Customer Satisfaction Survey
The annual customer satisfaction survey is conducted to assess how well Caltrain and its contractor are meeting the needs of riders. The results show customer ratings at station, onboard trains and overall satisfaction.

2023 Caltrain Customer Satisfaction Survey Report (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Caltrain Ridership Growth Surveys
Quarterly surveys were conducted throughout 2023, including focus groups in Q2 and Q4, to track aspects of resident's travel and commute behavior throughout the San Francisco Peninsula, and identify key barriers to riding Caltrain for riders and non-riders.

Q4 2023 Caltrain Ridership Growth Survey Report (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Q3 2023 Caltrain Ridership Growth Survey Report (PDF, 3.9 MB)

Q2 2023 Caltrain Ridership Growth Survey Report (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Q1 2023 Caltrain Ridership Growth Survey Report (PDF, 1.4 MB)

Survey of Likely November 2020 Voters Regarding a Potential Sales Tax for Caltrain
The purpose of this survey was to test the feasibility of a revenue measure that would result in a dedicated revenue source for Caltrain. Attitudes towards riding Caltrain during the COVID-19 Pandemic were also tested.

2020 Survey of Likely November Voters Report (PDF, 0.4 MB)

Metropolitan Transportation Commission: Caltrain Origin & Destination As part of a regional effort. MTC is surveying Bay Area transit passengers to help with regional service planning, fulfillTitle VI equity requirements, gather customer service feedback, collect travel models among other data. This information will help to support regional, as well as local, planning initiatives.

2014 Caltrain Origin & Destination Survey Report (PDF, 0.8 MB)

Caltrain Customer Experience Survey
As part of the Customer Experience Initiative, this survey asked the general public to rate and identify priorities, and provide ridership and demographic information.

2016 Caltrain Customer Experience Survey Report (PDF, 2.14 MB)

2016 Caltrain Customer Experience Focus Group Report (PDF, 1.1 MB)