Bike Parking Management Plan

In 2014, Caltrain developed a Bicycle Access and Parking Plan Implementation Strategy that identified several challenges related to bicycle parking and access. One key issue identified was the need for Caltrain to establish a bike parking management plan. Supported by a grant from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Caltrain began the planning process for the Bicycle Parking Management Plan in mid-2016, and it was adopted by the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board in November 2017. 

The objectives of the Bicycle Parking Management Plan include:

  • Identify the mobility needs of bicyclists using the Caltrain system.
  • Define customer service and financial performance measures and goals for Caltrain's bike parking system.
  • Support capital planning activities related to current, planned, and contemplated bike parking facilities.
  • Analyze different management strategies and administrative options to improve the performance of Caltrain's bike parking system.
  • Recommend a set of management and administrative reforms and implementation strategies to optimize the performance of Caltrain's bike parking system.

Bicycle Parking Management Plan (November 2017)
Bicycle Parking Management Plan Appendices 


Draft Plan 

In August 2017, Caltrain's Draft Bicycle Parking Management Plan was released for public review. During the public review period between August and September, feedback and comments on the Draft Plan were received from members of the public, Caltrain's Bicycle Advisory Committee, and Caltrain's Citizens Advisory Committee. Following the public review period, the Draft Plan was revised to create the Proposal for Adoption Draft Plan presented to the Board for adoption in November 2017. 

October 2017 - Proposal for Adoption

Bicycle Parking Management Plan - Proposal for Adoption
Bicycle Parking Management Plan Appendices - Proposal for Adoption

August 2017 - Public Review Draft

Bicycle Parking Management Plan - Public Review Draft
Bicycle Parking Management Plan Appendices - Public Review Draft

Public Meetings and Presentations

Caltrain staff worked with the Bicycle Advisory Committee and Citizens Advisory Committee to ensure that interested stakeholders and members of the public had opportunities to be involved and provide input on the Bike Parking Management Plan.

Past Presentations